About Me and this Blog

I'm an italian student in the field of information and comunication tecnology engineering. I like to experiment what I learn and increase my knowledge about programming and informatics stuff.
It's pretty common in my everyday experimenting to find obstacles and difficoulties that I usually bypass or solve with the help of the internet and online communities like stackexchange.com and various other portals, which provide many useful informations for beginners to many topics.
It is possible anyways that I don't find what I look for. And I may find pretty tricky solving some issues that I encounter or I don't find an explanation for something very specific.
In that case, when I manage to find a solution, I would like to give back the informations that I struggled to obtain for letting people who may find themselves in a situation like mine in a ready to use and simple article. And this is the reason that made me make this blog.
I hope you find my articles somehow useful.

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